If someone feels unfairly dismissed then they need to go to an employment tribunal, nothing would ever get done if we striked every time someone is fired. There could have been good reasons for getting fired, but that’s not up to me or the people striking to decide. It’s up to a tribunal to decide

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Go back to work use the unfair dismissal procedures stop annoying the rate payers

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How can anyone decide whether they support the strike or not when they don't have the facts. Everyone strangely silent on this one. If the employee was unfairly dismissed I support them but is this the case? Rumours are not helpful

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It's wrong for ratepayers to suffer for what appears to be an internal issue. Unite union calling for a rate rebate is a manoeuvre to gain public support. That said the council ,I believe, could do more to provide alternative arrangements to have bins collected; in particular brown bins which are food and garden waste. Recycling centres will not take food waste and there is increased risk for environmental health issues. Our elected counsellors are relatively quiet on what action they are taking to resolve this strike. There are a lot of families who; for a variety of reasons; are not able to take bins to recycling centres who must be feeling very frustrated by now.

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Why don’t you tell your readers why their on strike.And then ask your questions.

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Why do ArmaghI not tell the people the real reason for the strike.

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Surly this is a HR matter

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If you’re reader’s knew the real reason for this strike they would be sick, clue tackographs

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There are in theory avenues for people to take when something happens in any workplace, however, I think it needs to be recognised that these are generally weighted against a successful outcome for staff. In practice many companies and employers operate without any meaningful oversight. Internal systems often see these employers 'marking their own homework;, so it is unsurprising that they usually conclude that there is no wrong doing on their side. The truth is that all employees need better legal protection and employers need to be held responsible for failing to implement their own processes and policies in a fair, transparent and unbiased manner. It is easy to say just go to a tribunal but employment tribunals are incredibly difficult to move forward on, expensive, combative and an unpleasant experience for people who may well be dealing with significant mental or physical health issues relating to their negative workplace experiences.

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